Aftermath: Are we Human Enough?

By M. Baibers


It’s funny, loud, and unbearably inconsiderate of one’s self, it doesn’t stop at you, but go with, and it’s called a life. You think you’ve got it all figured out, and the challenges you go through are only part of the fight you were supposed to fight to find the lights shining up above, when you suddenly reach the end of the tunnel with a one chance out; it’s called change.


tumblr_static_bun2awq0jtkc8wsogoow04kssI only found myself after losing myself to what was then found me a way out. When I accepted the fact that I can change, and that the only constant in me is change, I figured so many ways out of my ongoing miseries of thoughts that kept me running away from old shadows of ghosts that haunted my existence and settled in my soul to drive me to an endless end; only when I stopped to stare them in the eye and accepted that yes, I can be friends with my own demons and grow to become the man I can be or always wanted to be. It’s not that often that you find yourself above the tree looking through the looking glass to figure your past, present, and a yet to be future that might be or might not. If our generation is called a lost one, it’s only said to be, because of how we grew up into things and not people, into products of a craze of fortune and despair, not humans of soul and prosperity. We were infused with the wrong insights of a life we didn’t even choose, but was rather put upon what we thought can be a choice of ours to find ourselves slaves to a system of thought and not a system of life; sad, isn’t it? We believe in things we should’ve never believed in, the things that took us to the mayhem of choice at such a young age. They filled our minds with images of goals and a life we never wanted to be in, and found us in a lost island of thought that drove us to high-note of high thoughts on a high minded mind. They call us a drug-nation, for a fact of dragging ourselves to escapism, to escape the reality of choice and to conform to easy. I have to peal guilty, guilty of becoming a product, a brand of a mindset that was built by an older generation whom were too afraid to fail and rather fought their past and couldn’t think of our future but theirs.



I guess I’m filled with rage towards the old ones, the ones’ who thought they can build a better tomorrow through the eyes of us; let me tell you this, you thought wrong, you never gave us the ability to be the people we should be with the souls of nature and not products to pleasure you’re piece of work. Let me declare this once and for all, I am not a product, I am HUMAN, a person, a soul, a man of choice and a man of change, a functional-being who can think, blink, and fairly find places I, and only me can be satisfied with.


#NextChapter #OnlyLove #Change #PowerOfChoice #ChangeIsComing
