A Race Through History: TriFactory’s Pyramids Half Marathon Is Back For Its 4th Round
Imagine running through a path, your sneakers leaving behind a dust of smoke, and just on your right, you see unobstructed views of the legendary towering Pyramids of Giza. That is exactly what happened today at the Pyramids Half Marathon, considered Egypt’s signature sporting event that has invited runners from all around the world to race at one of the most iconic locations: the Pyramids. As with every year, the event was hosted by The TriFactory, Egypt’s well-established sports event management company which is known to hold the biggest running events across Egypt including the Somabay Endurance Festival.

With this year’s marathon, it was all about endurance and stamina as runners got to pick between three distances, 5k, 10k, and the almighty 21k. That also meant that everyone got to take part regardless of age and ability. Along their run, racers, especially the ones who participated in the 10k race got very close and personal with the famous Pyramid trio, Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure that loomed above them as they jogged across the looping course.
Starting at 8 am sharp, 4000 runners comprised of more than 80 nationalities have not just tested their endurance but have done so in temperatures below 20 degrees, a feat that requires resolute determination coupled with an unabridged passion for the sport. All the racers truly brought their energy and adrenaline to this exciting event.
“Running with the Pyramids by your side was such an exhilarating feeling, coupled with having so many people who don’t know one another cheering each other on and smiling. It was great.”
– Mohammed, a 10k Racer
Beyond the icy cool weather, racers had to fair against some challenging obstacles including rolling hills and inclinations before reaching the finish line with 11am as the cut-off time for all racers giving everyone a total of three hours to complete their race.
Standing at the finish line, we got to see the best part of the entire event, the slow, long-awaited approach toward what marks the successful completion of a testy endeavor. Each racer got to timestamp their special moment of reaching the finish line by taking a photo right after their race. Smiling at the camera, many racers bit into their iconic finisher’s medal emblazoned with either the 5k, 10k, or 21k racing distance or did a victorious jump to mark their accomplishment.

While speaking with the co-founder and COO of The TriFactory, Seif Fawzy, we got to learn more about this widely anticipated annual event. Fawzy mentioned how this year is different from the other years as it is bigger and better than its past three editions. Also, for the first time ever, it was under the auspices of the Presidency. Fawzy stressed how this sporting event is significant and important both regionally and globally.
“It’s The Trifactory’s most important sports event and Egypt’s flagship running event and it’s proof of our ability to organize an event at truly international standards.”
– Seif Fawzy
Fawzy was highly enthused with this year’s big turnout and its smashing results, mentioning how the men’s 21K winner, Salem Mohamed Salem, finished his race in one hour and 8 minutes, a highly impressive race time for such a big distance. For the 21k women’s race, US runner Abigail Cember helmed the winning title with an impressive one-hour 24-minute running time. With the 5k races, Aya Zaki helmed the winning title for the women’s race with a 20-minute race time while Yahia Abdelhakem won with a run time of 14 minutes. The 10k races saw winning times of 35 minutes for Hammam Mahmoud’s men’s race and 45 minutes for Rahma Ahmed’s women’s race.
Overall, such a monumental event did not just bring a melting pot of cultures and nationalities together, it also placed Egypt’s rich and exquisite history at the forefront, bridging the past with the present. Beyond the Giza Pyramids, Fawzy mentioned how TriFactory’s #RaceThroughHistory series is expanding and how Saqqara became one of its racing locations when they organized the Saqqara Pyramid Race in 2022.
If you want to be part of a similar experience and join in on these significant sporting events including the 2023 Saqqara Pyramid Race, you can keep track of The TriFactory’s latest postings and upcoming events through their social media as well as their official website.