Why Having a Bucket List Is Actually Really Good for You

People usually talk about how bucket lists are inspiring because they push you to do things you never thought you could do, but have you ever thought about how more inspiring a reverse bucket list could be? What’s that? Well, instead of writing the things you want to do, you write down the things that you’ve accomplished. The things that make you who you are. The things that make you, well, YOU. Nothing is better than that feeling. I’ve only learned about reverse bucket lists recently and I’ve decided to make one.

- I learned how to apply makeup like a pro
- I’m better with money
- I know how to drive

- I got myself my own car
- I lost some of the weight that I wanted to lose
- I got my first job

- I quit my first job
- I got a second job
- I made a new friend

- I broke a bad habit
- I finally decided that I wanted to wear the hijab
- I am now more confident

- I opened my first bank account
- I learned my way around Maadi
- I was a bridesmaid…twice

- I was a model in a shoot for one day
- I started working on my relationship with my brother
- I accepted the fact that people hate Gemini

- I learned how to stop judging other people
- I accepted the fact that I am an adult
- I went to my first pool party

- I learned that it’s okay to eat alone in public
- I learned more about relationships
- I went snorkeling

- I was there for a friend when they really needed me
- I realized that the only person standing in my way is me
- I am more ambitious

- I went on a yacht
- I danced in public for the first time
- I learned how to do molokheya like my grandmother
WE SAID THIS: Stop whatever you’re doing right now and work on your own reverse bucket list.