Internet Troll Attacks Actors for Wearing Barcelona Football Shirt Because of the Word ‘Qatar’

A 73-weeks-old Instagram post has just resurfaced on Facebook with the weirdest caption that has ever existed on social media. Ali Mohamadi, a former journalist at Al-Gomhuria newspaper, shared a photo of Dina ElSherbiny, Dorra, Amr Youssef and Hassan El-Radad attending a Barcelona football game and showing their support by wearing the team’s shirt.

The journalist attacked the actors for proudly displaying the word Qatar on their outfit and called it “2elet 2asl.” Now, we would like to think that the guy understands that Qatar Airways is a sponsor, but with that kind of caption it would be difficult to believe that this kind of comprehension exists in his mind. The reactions to his post were both hilarious and outrageous.
From people claiming that Dorra posted this photo on a trip to Spain with no political motives in mind, to others claiming they were shooting a movie scene and more. But this guy, he just had to step it up a notch by accusing Qatar of paying them to wear the worldwide favorite shirt.
The most depressing part of this whole story is that this is a journalist who can reach and influence people. It is just so sad that he had to throw in Dina ElSherbiny’s past struggles to make a point. FYI troll, this girl has paid for her mistakes and made the biggest comeback this year and managed to become Ramadan’s leading lady. Mesh kefaya ya Masr wala eh?
WE SAID THIS: Get a life, Sir!