Misconceptions About Botox and Fillers That You Need to Get Rid Of
Once you hit your 30s, it’s never a surprise when you sit with a group of ladies and hear them going on and on about the work they’ve had done at their dermatologists or plastic surgeons. We’re not talking about something as extreme as going under the knife, we’re talking about the minor beauty procedures that we never ever thought we’d consider. If you do decide to get botox then make sure you do your research first to find someone who has had proper botox training to ensure you don’t end up getting a botched job.
The words botox and fillers are always linked in our heads with huge pouts and mask faces, yet when you actually start researching, you realize that they have multiple uses other than trying to look young and sexy. We talked to dermatology and aesthetic medicine specialist and co-founder of Eden Skin Clinic, Youssef Nashaat, to debunk some of the most infamous myths and this is what he told us.
Myth #1: You think you are too young

“The sooner you start, the better. Medical cosmetics is a preventative procedure, once damage (wrinkles) appear, it will be harder to treat. For example, the forehead wrinkles, or the angry lines between the eyebrows if not treated once it appears, it will leave skin folds harder to get rid of.”
Myth #2: Once you start, you can’t stop because wrinkles will look worse

“Botox slows the appearance of wrinkles, yet fillers hydrate the skin and stimulate collagen formation. Both procedures will slow down aging and leave the skin healthier than before. That’s why even if you decide to stop the treatment, you will never get back as before because your skin is healthier and your facial muscles are less prominent.” Whether you have wanted to get botox for a while or have been newly introduced to the idea of undergoing this treatment, it would be in your best interest to find a professional clinic who can perform this safely and help you get the best results.
Myth #3: It is only used to stretch your face or enlarge your lips

“That is completely false. There are so many cases that can avoid going under the knife by a simple injection. For example, it can fix nose bumps and minor defects such as the lifting of the nose tip. Also, those complaining from a gummy smile, where the upper lip elevates during smiling and shows most of the gums, a simple injection can either slow the movement of the upper lip or slightly increase its thickness which covers up that huge gum margin.” However, if you were considering having fillers for your lips to cover up your teeth, we would always recommend you consider the advice of a dentist first. What is the point in having filled out lips to improve your smile, when your teeth are extremely unhealthy and you want to cover them? For this very reason, you need to consider the use of a dentist similar to Dentist Houston to have your teeth checked out before you even think about having lip fillers.
“Another case where medical cosmetics is a necessity and not a luxury is to fix the dark circles under your eyes. We use fillers to hydrate and stimulate collagen around the eye and completely make it look brand new.”
Myth #4: I’m scared of the side effects and looking fake

“Fillers are constituted of body’s own hyaluronic acid (HA), which hydrates the skin and stimulates collagen formation. Not only does HA fill the loss volume but it also leaves the skin healthier. Botox should be given in small doses and there should be zero side effects. As for looking fake, if done correctly, it will give a natural look with no change in features.”