15 Things We Wish We Could Say to Our Boss in Ramadan

Ramadan is a time for spiritual reflection, family bonding, giving back, and learning patience. In the work place, people fasting are faced with an extra obstacle that we must overcome as to continue fasting…and not get fired. We have a growing urge to say things we shouldn’t say to our friends, mom, cat and our bosses but the words become more violent and vivid during Ramadan.


Here’s 15 things we’re all secretly thinking while working during Ramadan.


Can we just not? Can we just take a nap instead…





I hope Ramez Galal burns you on his next episode






I will pray an extra rak3a for you…to disappear






Mesh fadya la email 3am be7dar mousalasalt


pretending to work





Why are these meetings longer than tarawee7





I hope you choke on atayef tonight







Allahhoma eni sayem…


this is my hell



Ya rab etmoot min el 3atash 


die bitch





Your existence is as pointless as red velvet konafa


go home





Inshallah you gain weight 






You make Nellie Kareem shows look like Bogy w Tam Tam 






Er7amoh man fel ard, yar7amkom man fel samaa ya zift 







Tooz feek ana jay met2akher w merawa7 men bedri


dont want to work






Sid bo2ak, I can smell your breath from across the office


shut your mouth

WE SAID THIS: The Four Sides We All Have in Ramadan and How to Balance Them

