10 Nostalgic Beaches in Egypt That Go Way Back
While Gouna, Ras Sudr, and Sahel have been beautiful spots to enjoy the beach, sun, and the water, let’s not forget the beaches back in the day that our generation has never even crossed paths with. It is true that everything we come to enjoy evolves over time. A Nokia is now an iPhone 11, the Nes is now a Nintendo, and the Walkman are now Airpods. What we enjoyed back then had its time and place, and what we’ve come to enjoy now offers the same. For these reasons, although the beaches we enjoy now are unique in their setting and beauty, it is worthy to go back in time to a few that bring back a level of nostalgic familiarity.
El Ma3moora – Alexandria

El Montaza – Aida Beach
El Agami – Alexandria

Ras El Bar – Damietta
Sidi Kerir – Sahel

Naama Bay – Sharm El Sheikh
Fayed – Ismailia Rd

Balteme – Kafr El Sheikh
Sidi Abdel Rahman – Sahel