White Helmets Volunteer Falls Apart After Rescuing a Month Old Baby in Syria

A volunteer group in Syria that goes by the name of White Helmets has been saving thousands of lives from underneath the ruins of bombed buildings. At times, the volunteers seem to be the only savior Syrians have in areas where public services no longer function and the ones who will help re-build the country.


The group has been recently nominated for Right Livelihood Award, sometimes known as the “Alternative Nobel” for their work. Last night, a video was just released of a White Helmet rescuer overwhelmed by emotions after saving a month-old baby girl.


The volunteer fell apart at the sight of the tiny soul he just found after searching for two hours and finding her on the fourth floor of a collapsed building. To say the footage is heart-wrenching would be an understatement.




WE SAID THIS: God bless White Helmets…

