Mommy Diaries: Political Parenting


Once you become a parent, the way you think about the world changes. Suddenly you feel like you need to dig out your superhero cape and rid the world of all wrong doing just so that your kids can grow up safe and happy. If only…

The political situation in the Arab world does not help me sleep at night. I worry about so many things. What will my daughters think of me when they read about the massacres in Syria and realize that not only did I do nothing, but I continued living my life just the same? But what can we do? A Facebook status here and there? Perhaps one or two heated conversations with friends at dinner? But then what? Normally, I would say, write to your senator! After being laughed at a few times here in Cairo, I realize that is not an option. So again, now what?

Well, let’s start at home. With the upcoming elections seriously putting us between a rock and a hard place, I’ll tell you how I see it. Honestly, I don’t care how right or left wing you are as long as you’ll do something about this country’s education. I don’t care what you were during the Mubarak era as long as you’ll do good to this country and make it a better place for my children. I don’t care how you feel about religion as long as healthcare is seriously improved. 

If I need to break out my burka, but I know for a fact that my children are living the best possible life, then please make mine in purple. If I need topersonally apologize to Mubarak, but my children can go to the best schools in Cairo without me having to go bankrupt, then please send me his number. 

It may seem like I’m without loyalty, but on the contrary, I couldn’t be more loyal.. to my kids and their best interest. 

Can you imagine living in a city where your kids could walk to the nearest school and get the best education? Can you imagine parks and community centers with activities and fun? Can you imagine being able to drive across town in ten minutes without running or almost being run over?

Show me the guy that will restore safety and up the game when it comes to healthcare. Show me the guy that will create job opportunities for my kids. That’s the guy with my vote. Politics aside, give my kids a better life. Give them a better Egypt. 

We said this: Let’s see Egypt in a new light. 
