Egyptian Teacher Caught on Camera Intentionally Stepping on a Student

Via Sara Soliman


What on Earth is going on in Egypt’s schools? This is the second leaked post in the past couple of months exposing a case of student abuse. A photo went viral today of a social worker at Mohamed Abdou school pushing her feet against a student’s chest.


What could possibly call for such an extreme act of punishment? The post claims that a student whistled during the class and the teacher assumed it was the boy in the photo and took action. Apparently the parent complained and the teacher claimed that the student fell and she was helping him up.


I don’t want to pessimistically say it, but this will keep happening again and again as long as these unqualified educators get away with abuse. What usually are more depressing than the psychotic acts themselves are the principles’ defensive reactions. Remember the teacher who recently strangled a student? No one even knows whether he got fired or transferred. The consequences did not go viral, hence why the abuse and disrespect will continue.



It’s time we put an end to their careers. Read the full post:


Via Samar Soliman



WE SAID THIS: Why, Egypt? Why?

