Cork Hot Doilies For Table Set Ups


How many times have you had a cozy gathering with corks & corks of wine bottles being thrown away, after a 5 second use of just popping the bottle open?

You might have also seen people just collect them and place them in a glass bowl for decorative purposes but little do some of you know that those corks come in handy to decorate your home in numerous ways!

We are exploring today a cool Bi product which is making really cool hot plates/doilies for your special occasions be it Christmas, an anniversary, or your every day lunch! You have no idea how much heat those hot plates can take, plus it is something homemade, creative and cost efficient! You can also color the corks if you want to, but I advise to leave as is so the rustic feeling can come through. Usually the corks are not the same color, so a nice variation there too.

You will need:

25-35 corks, depending on how small or big you want the hotplate to be.

Sewing thread so you can hold each circle together tightly

Super glue to seal in the spaces

A single colored ribbon to hold it final hot plate tightly.

Photo courtesy of Flickr
