‘Psikyatrist’ Is Our New Favorite Word and Here’s 11 Reasons Why
By: Dina Hashish and Kurt Galalah
Guys, give Feryal Youssef a damn break. So what if the Tunisian beauty mispronounced the word psychiatrist in the Soqoot 7orr mosalsal? Considering the fact that her mother language is Tunisian Arabic or French, and the word Psychiatre in French is pronounced P-sikyatr, and the P isn’t even silent. It was bound to happen, yet we love and forgive her because we all make freaking mistakes and Elmesami7 kareem.
Now instead of cyberbullying Youssef, we have to be thankful that the Lord sent us a word just as clever and useful as El-Dandoo. They might have taken the dandoo away from us but psikyatrist is here to stay. FYI, if you use that word in any sentence, not only will it sound 100% correct, but it will also make perfect sense and add a smile to your sarcastic face.
Malek ya habebty?
Mafish. Psikyatrist shwaya b3d elfetar
Allo. Momken wahed frappucino mocha Psikyatrist
Heya eldonya keda. Yoom lik we yoom le Psikyatrist
Hat-Psikyatrist wala 2a-Psikyatrist ana?
Habeby, elkhotoba tawelet. Mama betes2al han3mel elPsikyatrist emta?
Enta fin ya 3am, etakhart lih? Eh shoghl el Psikyatristat da?
Abo Psikyatristak ya akhi
Ana nefsy a-Psikyatrist bas heya mosh radya
Ana 3ayez ashoof el-Psikyatrist beta3ek ba2a 😉
3ayez wa7ed happy meal ma3a diet coke w extra Psikyatrist please
Ana 3amaltelo follow 3ala Instagram bas howa 3amal fiha Psikyatrist
WE SAID THIS: Ramadan Psikyatrist ya gama3a!