The 2018 UNESCO’s World Heritage List Just got Another Two Spots Filled by Saudi and Oman
By Nada Hamouda
On Friday, UNESCO’s World Heritage committee added Saudi Arabia’s Al-Ahsa Oasis and Oman’s ancient city of Qalhat to its list. The decision was made during meetings held in Bahrain’s capital, Manama.
Oman’s Qalhat, which dates back to pre-Islamic times, is a major port on the east coast of the Sultanate of Oman. AS The city bears unique archaeological testimony to the trade links between the east coast of Arabia and the whole world.

Saudi Arabia has been planning to put tourism sector high in their economic agendas. Located in the eastern Arabian Peninsula, Al-Ahsa Oasis is the largest date palm oasis in the world with about 3 million trees. However, Al-Ahsa Oasis is the fifth Saudi site to join UNESCO’s World Heritage list.

Moreover, remains of the Caliphate city of Medina Azahara city in Spain has joined the UNESCO’s heritage list. The 10th century site provides a glimpse on the vanishing Western Islamic civilization of Al-Andalus.