These Egyptian High Schoolers are Breaking the Stigma Around Mental Health and Suicide In The Most Inspiring Way

By Febronia Hanna

It’s quite refreshing seeing our younger generations more aware of issues that have not gained the attention of the older ones and have sadly taken its toll on our youth. A group of teens launched a campaign about suicide as part of their school community project called Give Life a Second Chance (GLSC).

The aim of the campaign is to make the public aware of what drives a teen to commit suicide. They put together a video to address the topic in a more visual way; although the video is very low budget, they made use of what resources they had to deliver a very powerful and effective message.

They summed up 5 reasons that can make a teen commit suicide, #1 is divorce and separation, #2 breakups, #3 body insecurities, #4 bullying, #5 abuse.

Watch what some of the stories they concluded might be behind teen suicide:

WE SAID THIS: “Hold on we still want you”
