Mona El-Shazly Encouraging Sexual Harassment on Live TV Is NOT Okay


I don’t usually watch Mona El-Shazly’s show on CBC, but almost every single time that I do she never ceases to blow my mind, in a totally negative way. I stumbled upon a video today that made me question how her show is still being aired.


On November 3rd, the Egyptian TV host had actress Yasmine Sabry on her show. The movie actress went on about how she loved using her bike when going to places in Alexandria. El-Shazly, of course, was bewildered and kept asking Sabry questions like “really?” “how?”, giving off the vibe that girls should not be allowed to ride bikes. She doesn’t stop there, she continues by asking Sabry how she doesn’t get harassed, then turns to the crowd and asks a male from the audience how they would react if they saw her riding a bike in the streets. When the man said he would probably throw some comments her way, El-Shazly agreed that it’s inevitable not to harass Sabry because she is pretty.


This is one of these cases where I’m at a loss for words. When a host goes on live TV and promotes harassment and shamelessly encourages it. I just don’t even know what to say anymore. What an utter violation to women rights. This is not only disrespectful to women but to the whole country, when such ignorance is displayed in the open. Another thing that infuriates me is the fact that CBC network did not take a stand against this, and instead, took part in this sick joke by posting this part of the episode on their YouTube and Facebook pages.



WE SAID THIS: Sexual harassment is not a matter to be joked about, it’s something that we ALL should put a stop to.

