Palestinian Statehood Recognized by Norway, Ireland, and Spain, Raising Tensions with Israel

In a significant diplomatic development, Norway, Ireland, and Spain announced today, Wednesday, May 22nd, that their formal recognition of a Palestinian state will be on May 28.

Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre emphasized the need for a political solution, stating, “Amid a war, with tens of thousands killed and injured, we must keep alive the only alternative that offers a political solution for Israelis and Palestinians alike. Two states, living side by side, in peace and security.”

Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris echoed this sentiment at a news conference in Dublin, expressing hope that the decision would “offer hope and encouragement to the people of Palestine at one of their darkest hours.”

In response, Israel ordered its ambassadors from Ireland and Norway to return immediately and indicated plans to do the same for Spain.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz condemned the recognition, asserting that it “reward[s] the jihadists of Hamas and Iran” and could impede efforts to secure a cease-fire and the return of hostages held in Gaza. “Ireland and Norway intend to send a message today to the Palestinians and the whole world: terrorism pays,” Katz stated.

This diplomatic shift occurs as the Israeli military intensifies its operations in Gaza, where over 35,000 people have been killed in seven months of war.

Spain confirmed its decision through Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, who declared the recognition of a Palestinian state would take effect on May 28. Sanchez emphasized his government’s commitment and coordination with other nations to support this move and a possible ceasefire in Gaza.

These recognitions mark a pivotal moment in international diplomacy concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, reflecting a growing call for a two-state solution amidst ongoing violence. This move is likely to encourage other European countries to follow suit and take similar actions.

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