Iranian Woman Held a Sign at the Olympics, Security Insisted She Puts It Down

Darya Safai, an Iranian volleyball fan, held a sign in Rio 2016 stating: “Let Iranian Women Enter Their Stadiums,” she also wore a t-shirt holding the same statement. In response, the security working in the Olympics rushed to make Safai put the sign down; the International Olympic Committee bans political statements at the games.
“This is not a political statement. This is not a political issue,” USA Volleyball chairwoman Lori Okimura said. “This, to me, is not about politics, it’s about gender.”
35-year-old Safai, who is currently based in Belgium, is running a movement to lift the ban against women attending all-male sports events in Iran. “This is not the first time I had this experience but I won’t give up because that’s what Iranian women do, they keep fighting for their rights,” she told The Associated Press.
“The Olympic Spirit, which is against discrimination, is what Iranian women need in their country,” the Iranian activist said. “It should be the right of everyone, men and women, to attend a sports game. It is a pity that women have to travel to Brazil to watch and cheer for their national team.”
WE SAID THIS: You tell them, Darya!