This Epic Billboard in Shobra Just Taught Us Major Life Lessons

Screen Shot 2016-08-03 at 3.28.02 PM
Via Sherif Rafik


If today is not the day for my usual avwara over small things from around Cairo then I don’t know what is. I love this billborad. I am just head over heels for it. A friend of mine spotted it in Shobra and I believe it is the most important, epic and glorious thing I’ve come across this summer.


You might think of it as merely a cheesy shout of love but this taught us major life lessons:


1- Franco is freakin’ glorious. Okay guys??? Someone just spent some serious cash for a public display of mo7n and that someone chose Franco. Don’t ask us to stop writing in Franco


Photo Credit: Sherif Rafik
Photo Credit: Sherif Rafik


2- Franco is pretty dangerous. Is this a guy talking to Laila? Or is this Laila talking to her man and wrote ‘Agelt’ instead of ‘Agelty’? Are these two BFFs talking? Spelling guys!!!!! 


Photo Credit: Sherif Rafik


3- Men can be romantic. That whole ‘I’m in my cave, I need some some me time’ crap is so 2005 guys! This guy just raised our expectations


Photo Credit: Sherif Rafik


4- Women of Egypt, this is what happens if we compromise and not travel for a guy. We get a red billboard and a Scoop Empire article


Photo Credit: Sherif Rafik


5- El7obb lesa mamatsh


Photo Credit: Sherif Rafik




WE SAID THIS: If this billboard taught you any more life lessons, please let us know. 

