Egyptian Wildlife Rescue Team Saves Rare Wolf Species From Captivity
Via Muhammed Aladdin
The Alexandria Turtle and Wildlife Rescue Team, a non-profit organization concerned with protecting wild animals in their natural habitats, has managed to rescue an endangered Egyptian jackal wolf from captivity. After saving its life, they returned it to its natural habitat in Wadi El Rayan Protectorate.

The wildlife activist group spotted the sale online in Fayoum and stepped in to retrieve the poor animal before the sale was completed. Mai Gawad Hamada from the rescue team stated that they have found the pictures of the wolf online shackled in an inhumane way.
They immediately contacted the seller, who said that he managed to hunt down the wolf near the Fayoum area. Hamada and her team then agreed with the seller to buy the wolf for a reasonable price and traveled 300 kilometers from Alexandria to Fayoum to rescue the poor animal. The team then managed to rescue the wolf unshackled and provided him with the needed food and water, he was then later released back to his home.
The Minister of Environment, Dr. Yasmin Fouad, has praised the team for their efforts and stated that all necessary measures have been taken to ensure the wolf’s safety and ability to continue its life in its natural habitat.
Fouad also added that they urge the ministry to implement the environmental law number four of 1994 to protect endangered species. The minister has also stated that it is imperative for the citizens to play a role in the conservation process and has asked the Egyptian people to follow the steps of Alexandria Turtle and Wildlife Rescue team.

Egypt has been taking the right steps towards wildlife conservation; in November 2018, the country hosted the U.N. Biodiversity Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, marking it the first African and Arab country to do so. The conference discussed points on biodiversity conservation and stressed on Egypt’s role in implementing policies that are essential for sustainable development.