Credit to the Artist: Rabab Elghamry, the Techno Typographer

This month for our Credit to the Artist, we’ll be focusing on aspiring typography artists in Egypt. Everyone loves a good typography. Type is the muse of so many extremely talented designers, and Egypt is simply overflowing with beautiful examples just waiting to inspire you to create your own masterpiece. Today, we’re shedding light on Rabab ElGhamry, a 28-year-old graphic designer who uses letters to create beautiful art.
1) When did you realize you wanted to become a graphic designer?
Since high school, I would say. I was about 16-years-old. I used to get so impressed by giant billboard designs, so I decided one summer to start on my actual work.

Via Rabab ElGhamrawy
2) Why typography?
I feel comfortable with words and letters. Whether it’s words making up a beautiful image or using typography as a beautiful piece of craftsmanship, the art of font can go a long way.

Via Rabab ElGhamrawy
3) What’s your technique?
I use a lot of “kerning and tracking,” it’s basically adjusting the spacing between an individual or a group of characters. Once I feel comfortable about the layout, I execute it in several options and I choose my favorite.

4) English or Arabic, and why?
Arabic. You can have so much fun with Arabic letters. I want to present them in the not-so-typical way they’re depicted in most Arabic calligraphy..

Via Rabab ElGhamrawy
5) What inspires you?
Music is a huge inspiration to me, especially minimal techno artist such as Ryoji Ikeda, Alva Noto, Kangding Ray, Byetone and many others. Techno music is my main inspiration when I do typography.

6) Who’s your idol?
Aaron Draplin, without a doubt. He’s not just a designer, but he’s the founder of Draplin Design Co. (DDC). He has worked with so many big names such as Esquire, Nike and even the Obama Administration.

Via Behind the Hustle.
7) Where do you see yourself in the future?
I see myself surrounded by art. I want to see myself always surrounded by art. I want to be able to make a living out of art, and just art, one day. I want to inspire others.

Via Rabab ElGhamrawy
WE SAID THIS: For more Elghamry’s work click here. Stay tuned for next week’s profile. *wink*