8 Reasons a Relationship With an Aquarius Is Where the Wild Things Are

If you found yourself at one point of your life in love with an eccentric being who turned your life upside down, they must have been an Aquarian. From cherishing life, their independence and friends to trying to find time for love without allowing you to consume her being, a relationship with the aquatic creature is where all the wild things are.

Here are some of the traits that set them apart from every boring human on earth:



1. They’re firm believers in love


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They love being in love. They fall hard and deep, yet they never turn their brains off. It’s always there, waking them up from the messy dreams they’ve thrown themselves into. They are the most unexplainable mixture of love and logic, heart and mind. One day they are nothing but hearts and roses, the next minute they are showing you Excel sheets and the logistics of your relationship.



2. They fiercely guard their independence


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Photo credit: Salma Elkashef

They can’t be held down no matter how much they love and cherish you. Independence is their core. They would take texting over calls any given day. They wouldn’t mind long-distance relationships, which means your love won’t invade their space and time. They want their quality — alone and friends — time. And just as easy as they fall in love, they are turned off by possessiveness.



3. They belong to everyone and no one



They know how to make everyone feel like their soul mate, then suddenly they disappear doing God knows what because they can’t belong to you or anyone else, only to re-appear months later. You want to express your hurt, but they are so damn charismatic and enigmatic that you can’t help but want their energy in your life again.



4. They are as unpredictable as Kanye West


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Photo credit: Salma ElKashef

They bring fun and wackiness to every aspect of life. Forever shifting creatures who will fight for animal rights today, but the next thing you know, they’re packing to go spend a month in Ras Shitan. When in a relationship with an Aquarian, just go with the roller coaster. Do not expect a mundane existence.



5. They are eccentric dreamers


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Photo credit: Salma ElKashef

You can spend years unfolding their most inner layers, thinking you finally got a grip on their soul, only to find a million more to comprehend. They are eccentric beings, with real visions that sometimes are too difficult for the others to understand, which is usually the beginning of the end. They need to find complexity and independence in their partners.



6. They are true rebels at heart


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Photo credit: Salma ElKashef

They do the shock factors like no other. They find themselves gravitating towards everything you want to avoid just to prove a point, which always gets them in trouble. Falling in love against everyone’s wishes is a classic Aquarian tale.



7. They are random babblers except when it’s the “L” word



They are social butterflies who say the weirdest, funniest, most random, out of place and sometimes obscene words you will ever come across, but you can’t help but love it. That’s the beauty of an Aquarian. Yet when it comes to expressing their love, it’s not always easy as they take time to trust and settle in a relationship.



8. They are their own spirit animal


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Photo credit: Salma ElKashef

They don’t need a spirit animal because they make the wildest creatures themselves. Have you ever met a lover who needs a little bit of taming more than an aqua? We don’t think so.



WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss 10 Reasons Why Aquariuses Are in Your Life to stay
