5 Reasons Why Night People Are A Superior Breed


You’re the type of person who finds it really hard to leave your bed in the morning. Meanwhile, you’re more hyper and productive at night.

It’s not a bad thing to be an early bird and it is important to get enough sleep, but night owls are another breed.

At the end of the night, we know there is a hopeful dawn, a time that helps us understand simple thoughts about love, life and happiness in all of their complex variations.



1. People who stay up late at night are more intelligent



Scientific studies show that night owls tend to have higher IQs than people who go to bed early. Research has also suggested that night owls are more mentally developed than others.



2. Night owls are more creative



Experts claim that people who stay up late tend to think more out of the box than others. There’s something about after hours that brings out people’s inner artistic talents, fueling poems, drawings and even inventions. Meanwhile, those who go to bed earlier might never understand the changes night people go through under the blanket of darkness.



3. And more romantic



People who stay up late are known to be more romantic than others; they have wild hearts that dominate their thinking. Many important life decisions are made under the soft light of the moon while everyone else is asleep.



4. Night people know themselves better



Night owls tend to be more self-aware; they know what they really want to do with their lives. It’s by night when we figure out our real needs.

We focus on our moments of unhappiness when alone and we can see the aches in our soul when we are not blinded by the strong sunlight.



5. And are more open-minded



Studies show that night people tend to have more understanding for others and things unknown. They tend to be more willing to stay awake solving mysteries or making new discoveries, which can lead to empathy and a more open perspective about many facts that others can’t accept.



WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss 7 Reasons Why We Hate Morning People.
