Supernatural Events in Cairo: 2018 is Kicking Off With a Spooky Start

Via howstuffworks

If you think 2017 proved to be full of surprises, then wait to see what 2018 has to offer. We’re less than one week into the year and rumors are spreading like wildfire about aliens spotted in Cairo! Whether you believe in the supernatural or the extraterrestrial or not, the videos circulating our timelines are indeed very interesting.

Social media influencers, all around Egypt, are sharing those videos; making them even more viral and raising more questions to the already skeptical people. Don’t be worried though, at the end of the day, these rumors always tend to get debunked.

This video posted by Omar ElSaid, that got over 160k views so far and was shared hundreds of times by concerned citizens, got us feeling that Egypt is literally turning into Stranger things’ “Upside Down”, but sadly we don’t have Chief Hopper to save the day.

Law makontsh sawart makansh 7ad sada2ny !!

Posted by Omar ElSaid on Wednesday, January 3, 2018

If you think it’s not spooky enough, then wait till you see the end of the video shared by Noha Sultan!

Ya gama3a I took this video enhrda el sobh!! Is anyone seeing what I'm seeing?!

Posted by Noha Sultan on Tuesday, January 2, 2018

As usual, Egyptians always end up finding a way in tackling issues with humor. Some wondered as “where the UFO will park their spaceships in our super-crowded streets?” and others assumed that “the aliens headed back to where they came from to escape the endless traffic”

In this video posted by Omar Eltobgi, you can see a strange shape just walking around enjoying Earth.

Last but not least, this video wins the “Spookiest Video of the Bunsh” award. Look at the reflection behind Gihan Auf and her friend who were attempting to take a video of themselves in an elevator.

WE SAID THIS: Let us know what you think is the proper explanation for the mysterious case. 
