The Uprising of Women in the Arab World


This is inspiring and liberating to say the least! It has been a long time coming as the Arab world witnessed revolution after revolution there is one that went by ignored, that of Women’s Rights!

A silent revolution has been brewing online, specifically on Facebook calling for support for the Uprising of Women in the Arab world. As the momentum builds more and more people from around the world are beginning to lend their voice’s to the cause! 

As per their Facebook page, here is “intefadat el mar2a’s” description

“Time for women and men to unite against the oppression of women in the Arab world. To say no to violence against women, no to their allegiance to men, no to repression and abuse, no to their treatment as second class citizens. 

We demand the full application of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for Arab women just as for men. This chart comes before any State, any culture, any tradition, any mentality. 

Let’s spread the word and create a strong solidarity network, share our views, denounce the absurd laws of our respective countries, and share updates about the progress and changes that we are working on.


As some of you may not be aware of, women make up approximately 50% of the Arab world’s population, through their oppression we literally cut out half of the possible work force that could be used to improve our faltering economies, let alone the intellectual input and creative that push our countries and cultures forward. 
With over 300 pictures and statements sent from all around the world the Facebook page has quickly grown to over 30,000 people and is getting more and more recognition everyday. 

We Said This: Let’s all make a difference. Join, make a statement and hopefully change the mentality that women are 2nd rate citizens!