Keep Calm – It’s Not All That Bad


For some unidentified reason, I’m pissed off almost all the time. I admit that I’m a drama queen by nature and maybe that’s the source of all my problems. My mind never stops thinking; I am always overly psychoanalyzing everything that comes my way. I’d be watching a TV show or reading a book, then suddenly start to crumble and ask myself the question I never seem to find an answer for … Why?                        

Why am I here? Why are we all here? Why are there so many wars? Why are children dying in Syria? Why are babies starving in Somalia? Why are animals skinned alive daily in China’s f’ing fur farms? Why is this happening to my country? Why was the revolution smashed to bits and pieces? Why can’t I walk in the street without being harassed? Why can’t religious people practice religion like they want? Why can’t atheists be atheists like they want? Why cant A-sexuals be A-sexuals? Why can’t homosexuals be homosexuals? Why can’t I think however I want and not be bashed for it? Why can’t people just live and let live? Why is the grass greener on the other side and why cant we simply water it here? Why are the people who rule the world the most evil of us all? Why can’t I just run away? Why can’t I go back to where I came from? Why have people lost all their humanity? Just Why?!

And that’s when I start looking for my chill pills! It is only 11 AM for God’s sake! So, I go to the kitchen, make my coffee, open my laptop and say hi to Facebook. That morning, a page was trending all over the Internet, ‘Pictures that will restore your faith in humanity’. My heart started pounding. ‘God, is that you’? ‘I know how sick you must be of me and all my whining, but that was fast’! I click on the link and view the pictures with the biggest smile a drama queen can ever have formed. Tears start running through my face as I started to taste their saltiness … the world sucks, but good is being done everyday. 

Those pictures do not solve my problems and certainly wont put my mind to rest. But, it’s just awesome to know that some people out there, maybe on the other side of the world get you! I’m not alone and that makes today a good one.

WE SAID THIS: Look at those pictures, it will literally bring tears to your eyes!

*** For more from Sarah follow her on twitter: @mynameslala