Bin Laden Kicks Fifty Shades Of Grey’s A**


When Fifty Shades of Grey came out, the world was in up roar with how controversial it was, while women across the globe felt liberated that they could indulge in some naughty late night reads without being considered a, now how can we put this politely? (A lady of the night)

Along comes Bin Laden (yes the crazy terrorist) and he knocks the dirty little book off the best sellers list. Although we’re sure Mr. Bin Laden himself would have called for Jihad on 50 Shades of Grey’s author, we don’t think he would be too pleased about “No Easy Day” either.

“No Easy Day” chronicles the commando raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, written by one of the U.S. Navy Seals who was on the mission. Although the book is unauthorized by the U.S. government and they have threatened to take legal action, it is outselling the hugely popular erotica novel Shades of Grey!

What makes this book even more controversial is the U.S. governments attempts to cover up what the author has written, deeming it a threat to homeland security! To make sure he doesn’t become a target by both Al Qaeda and the American Government, the former Navy Seal Operative wrote the book under the pseudonym Mark Own!

We Said This: Which book would you prefer to read?
