Alien vs. Predator


Do you know those hardcore political activists who have dedicated their lives to tweeting and educating others about the shitty situation in Egypt? The ones who never got tired and would start fights with strangers who are against the revolution or those who have grown sick of it? Well, I was one of them, until I lost my breath, along with the will to argue for what I love and believe in. 

To me, Egypt is currently like a high-speed bus with no brakes, driven by the most despicable people that God has ever created. Our joke of a parliament nauseated me. The way people were treated by the army crushed me, but the Shafiq and Morsy pickle was the cherry on top of a very frustrating year! 

Hmm, who should be my president? Who should be in charge of me for the next four years? (Or should I say eternity)? Well, fuck you very much, but I will not vote for the Muslim Brotherhood’s lost puppy. He has the word ‘Fraud’ written all over his forehead, and Shaf-Sha2, seriously? Has it come to that? Are we so desperate that we will make this idiot, who I also believe is partially mentally retarded, our next president? I won’t deny that I would normally go for the devil I know. But, all I could see were the faces of the martyrs on that front-page newspaper. All I could hear was a father who lost his child in Tahrir, begging us to not leave until the regime is overthrown. Morsi and Shafiq are nothing but two faces to the same coin. So, after a lot of thinking, I realized that this is not my battle and that it’s a lose-lose situation. However, one thing can be done.

You know those ‘Vote’ campaigns with celebrities yelling at you to go vote because your voice counts? Do you imagine what could happen if everyone actually went and annulled their voices? Can you see the impact it could make? At least, it’s a statement to be proud of. Think of it as a way to protest against that mess, a way to call their bluff. Would you rather dispense of that precious privilege you have for someone you don’t even believe in, just to save yourself from a worse fate? It’s like drinking poison instead of jumping out the window! … I know you think I’m delusional, because I will be the only Egyptian who will actually go and do that. But, since when did we ever agree on anything? Since when was anyone content with what the rest of us did?

“United we stand, divided we fall” is one saying I thought was too cheesy, but I hate to break it down to you … we are screwed! A lot of people disagree with my approach and are begging me to vote that I almost gave in to their unrealistic arguments until I was flipping through the channels one day and Alien VS Predator was on … Hmm, how could I vote for Alien to save the world from Predator? How is voting for Freddy going to save us from Jason?  And, how is The Joker a better candidate than Doctor Doom?

I believe now more than ever that our only hope lies in refusing to submit to their dirty politics and mind games… I am no longer an optimistic person and I have no idea where this country is headed. But long after this is over and regardless how things turn out to be, I want to look back with a clear conscience and have no regrets. I want to know that my voice was not a tool used against Egypt and its people. I am not sorry that I will not participate in this mockery. Please, forgive me.
